01 Nov

Why do i feel so lost? Why am i thinking like this? Why did he leave me? Why won't you answer me? all questions i get in my head everyday when i wake up and when i fall asleep. i try to think of the good days there were some but only some they never lasted long but for the time they did last i wished they would of lasted forever i never wanted them to end because i knew once they did i'd never get them back. and that is something i'm soo... scared of but sometimes even if you can't hold on to them don't mean that they will never be there for you to look back at. i just need someone to want me to love me but every time i feel like i'm getting close to someone there always the ones the back away and lose me. why do i feel so lost? deep down i can't understand why someone would want to hurt someone else even if you don't mean to but sometimes even if you don't really mean to that person don't really see it that way. something else i don't like are the type of people that play with others feelings like how can someone do that i would feel so bad after i end up getting what i want.. but it never lasts long for me yes i have bad days but who doesn't? but the good days don't come very often to me, i used to have them everyday now there once in a blue moon that's if i'm lucky to even get one which don't really happen to me. i'm just so tired of caring and putting everything i have in the people i love with them never giving anything back to me I'M JUST SO SICK OF IT FUCK!!!!  

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